Viewing your subscriptions
OctaneRender® Studio licenses can be managed by navigating from your OTOY account > Subscriptions page. At the top of the page, you can click View Active Subscription Plans to manage your active subscriptions as well as cancel your subscription. You can also view the current status of your subscriptions, access details regarding payment history and the monthly invoices via the 'View Info' button next to your license.
Subscription ID | This is the ID for the specific subscription (you do not need to enter this ID in order to activate Octane, it is only displayed for reference purposes) |
Status / Last Active (UTC) | This field will show the host name of the currently active machine (if available) or the last active date. This is useful for determining where the license is currently in use. |
Paid up to (UTC) | This is the date at which the subscription license will expire if no further payments are received. Your account will automatically be billed when you approach this date. |
Unlocks Left | This is the number of 'Unlocks' you can perform on your subscription to recover a license that is 'Stuck' on a machine. If you exceed this number you will need to contact us. |
License Status / Action button | This button when enabled will allow you to 'Unlock' your license. When disabled, it will show the current status of your license ('Deactivated', 'Disabled', etc.) |
View Info button | This will open the details page for this subscription (see below). |
Viewing details regarding a particular subscription
To view more detailed information on a specific subscription, you can click the "View Info" button on the Subscriptions page, this will show the page below.
Name | The name of the subscription product. |
Status | The current status of the Subscription. |
Period | This is how often you will be charged. |
Price | The amount you will be charged per payment period. |
Subscription ID | The ID of the subscription (you do not need to enter this ID in order to activate Octane, it is only displayed for reference purposes). |
Date Created | The date on which you created the subscription. |
Date of Last Payment | The date on which you were last successfully charged. |
End of current payment period | The date on which you will be automatically charged. If the next payment fails, or if you have canceled your subscription, this is the date on which your license will no longer function. |
Date of Cancellation | The date on which you canceled your subscription (Note that your license will continue to function until the end of the current payment period). |
Cancel your subscription
Click Cancel Automatic Renewal to stop your subscription from renewing automatically. The license will continue to function until the end of the current payment period.